Why getting active is key to your mental health, according to a GP
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) next week (13-19 May) and the Mental Health Foundation’s theme is how movement can support our mental and emotional wellbeing. The focus on how we feel and how our minds are doing is something that is important to consider every day, but it is helpful to have a week when the nation as a whole talks about it, and that is what MHAW does.
It is easy to forget about what keeps our thoughts and feelings healthy in the midst of a busy lifestyle. And yet, ironically, without good mental health we will struggle to cope and find it difficult to thrive.
Movement, getting active and exercise is one of the mainstay strategies that can help us all to feel a bit better. There is lots of evidence around the biological mechanisms and physiology of how staying active benefits us physically and mentally. It reduces the risk of developing some long term health conditions such as heart disease, it improves our muscle and bone health, and can support our memory and our cognitive function as well. It is also fundamental for our mental health and emotional wellbeing. We know we get the release of neurotransmitters including endorphins, dopamine and serotonin when we get physically active. Movement helps us by reducing stress and anxiety, managing symptoms of low mood and depression and improving sleep.
We know that getting active is good for us, and yet there are often obstacles to this. What are some of those obstacles and how can we overcome them?
Labels – who you are
If you are someone who doesn’t describe themselves as ‘sporty’ or who feels self-conscious about exercising, then it is worth perhaps reframing this idea of who you are, or looking at what you feel worried about – that might be judgement from others, not knowing how to use equipment or fearing that we just can’t do it.
Often these worries and concerns are a hangover from when we were growing up, and had a judgement from a friend or a misguided sports teacher at school, or perhaps when we felt we couldn’t achieve sporting outcomes or weren’t picked for school teams. We can change those labels that others, or ourselves, have put upon us. It is helpful to open our minds to these fears and realise that it was probably never true, and certainly doesn’t have to be any more. You can do anything and be anyone you want.
Labels – what movement is
Whenever exercise is mentioned in a magazine article or television programme, we often only see images of someone running or lifting weights or doing something extraordinary. It is helpful for us to reframe what movement actually is – it isn’t just formal environments like a gym, or running a marathon.
It can be whatever you want it to be. It could be walking, trampolining, hiking, dancing, walking football, climbing, housework or gardening, or anything where you move your body.
Anything that makes you more connected to your body and how it can move is getting active. Make it enjoyable and make it an activity that reflects who you are. Try to put aside what we think other people like doing and be yourself. Make it fun, do it with others and try new things.
Labels – achievements and outcomes
Often when we are starting something new, we understandably have certain fears. Everything seems to come with the expectation of achievement and outcome. Lots of social media posts about how many kilometres people have run, or their exercise sessions that week can make us feel like a failure.
Your movement journey is yours and yours alone. Our mental and emotional health is best served when we give up outcomes and leave expectations behind. It can be beneficial for us to set goals and increase confidence, but not at the level where it stops us from starting something.
Celebrate your wins, start small and simple, and let go of the idea you “must” do a certain thing in a certain time. The greatest outcome that you can measure is the improvement in how you feel after you’ve moved your body. Your mental and emotional health and how that has improved is the best achievement you could ever have.