World Health Day: The Most Concerning Health Issues In India That Need Urgent Attention
Explore the top health concerns in India, from chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes to malnutrition and mental health issues, highlighting the urgent need for collective action to address challenges and achieve universal health care goals by 2030.
When is world health day celebrated?
A global health awareness that is celebrated on the 7th of April every year. People of India are circulated by many health issues that can cause significant challenges. Each state of India faces different health challenges that lead to various disease burdens. Despite all these issues, nations share similar health goals. However a better data collection required to justify the exact issues of different states of India in terms of health.
India and its health concerns: The data collection process of India is done by national and state health programs. India faces different health challenges that require urgent attention and actions to safeguard the well being of its population. Diseases that are infectious, communicable, non communicable are some of the primary concerns of the nation right now. Here we delve into some of the most concerning health issues that requires urgent attention.
Most concerning health issues of India till 2023
There are many diseases that pull everyone’s attention but still get ignored in the long run and leave devastating results behind. These are the top 5 health issues that require urgent actions.
Cancer and Diabetes
As per WHO, the pre covid era of India was full of death caused due to chronic disease like heart disease, lung problems, and strokes. As per the data 226 deaths per 1,00,000 people were just because of heart attack in India. Other than that, problems like TB, diarrhoea, and newborn issues were around 112 deaths per 1,00,000 people. According to Bharti Pravin Pariwar, cancer affected 1,46 million people in 2022 and 101 million people were affected by diabetes in the year 2021(The data was responded to questions in Parliament in July 2023). Forcing the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Disease to replace the program to c more diabetes cases.
A concern painted by Worldwide Welthungerhilfe, India’s rank in Global Hunger Index 111 out of 125 countries. However the government disagrees by saying the international aid group overstates the underweight of children. Although the rate of child underweight has gradually dropped, new challenges like obesity and hidden hunger still threaten child health and growth. A significant performance towards reducing child malnutrition Pune Zilla Parisad managed to bring down the numbers from 2118 in 2022 of malnourished children to just 346 in 2023.
Sexual Health Problems
Problems like violence against women, lack of sex education, teen pregnancies, early marriage, and several maternity health issues are still considered as taboo in many parts of the country where no one wants to talk about it. Other problems like trouble in having babies, sexual infections, abortion are still some of the issues where people hesitate talking and discussing. To bring in consideration of people and the adverse impact of these problems. Hence a better sexual and reproductive health service and education is still required.
Pollution and Climate Change
Environmental pollution and climate change affect people and put them under danger even if they are sitting at their homes. Especially in developing countries human action creates pollution in air, soil, water, and sound. For example, toxic metals in fuels and paint have the substance that affect human health in many ways, but still there are no safer options available. The World Health Organisation (WHO) warns people about the upcoming problems due to climate change and its possible threat. Every year the temperature keeps rising, which creates different problems. It is essential to address the climate problems with urgency to protect our health and our planet.
Mental Health
Pre covid, mental health was not a topic to concern worldwide. But after covid, mental health issues are on a rising rocket, surpassing cancer. So it’s important to support the health programs that are beneficial for mental health. In India 60-70 million people struggle with anxiety and other common and some serious mental health issues. A data by WHO reveals that, India has the highest number of suicides globally and that just due to stress. The average suicides rate of India is 10.9 million people every year.
Health Issues In India, What else you should Know?
To deliver effective and lasting healthcare infrastructure identification of key health issues are on top list of necessity. We have to collectively work together to meet the universal health care goals for 2030 and to do it we need to prioritise funds and combine the efforts. The actions are required to be taken globally to prevent these challenges from a health crisis.
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